When Doubt Creeps In
Have you ever been so excited about God’s plan for your life? Doors are opening and you know you are on the right path. But just as quickly as you felt excited, you start to feel doubt. You begin to question if you heard God correctly from the beginning.
With each God size opportunity comes a Satan size opposition.
Friends, as we are living out our purpose, we can expect spiritual warfare. Our family serves at church on Wednesday evenings, and I cannot tell you how many times there is additional chaos and strife that day especially right before we get into our car to drive to church. It took many years for me to realize the connection, but Satan was trying to create conflict so we would show up flustered and distracted. Maybe you can relate.
As we get more opportunities from God, we will also get more opposition from the devil.
Satan’s plan is not creative; he uses the same tactics each time. He wants to isolate us, distract us from our callings by making us doubt if we have heard God correctly the first time, and leave us disappointed and derailed. Friends, we need to be aware of his schemes so we can boldly send him packing if he comes knocking.
I love what Louie Giglio says in his book, Goliath Must Fall: “Your giant is dead. And yet… your giant is still deadly.” Jesus is victorious in the end, not Satan. However, just like a snake, even after you cut off its head and kill it, there is still enough deadly venom left in its fangs to seriously hurt you. Satan has been defeated, but he is still dangerous. He is not going down without a fight. Since he knows he cannot beat God, he tries to destroy what God loves most, His people.
Friends, don’t let this discourage you but instead let it fuel you. Each fiery dart he throws your way is just confirmation that you are on the right track. Realize that Satan only tries to distract someone who is living out God’s purpose.
The more we are doing great things for Jesus, the more Satan is going to try to shut us down.
Remember his tactics: isolate, distract, create doubt, disappoint, and defeat. Be aware of when doubt is creeping into your mind and ask God for wisdom and discernment. Stay connected to other believers; get an accountability partner so that Satan cannot segregate you. Recognize when disappointment has triggered you and left you defeated.
Prayer is your number one weapon against the devil!
Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as you pursue your purpose. Pray Scripture verses; follow Jesus’ example as He quoted Scripture back to Satan. My prayer for us is that in those difficult moments when doubt starts to creep in, we will remember this truth: Satan may be dangerous, but he is ultimately DEFEATED!
Love, Jodi

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