Trusting God When You Don’t Understand The Plan
The quote jumped off the page at me.
“Our peace doesn’t come from knowing God’s plan; our peace comes from knowing God’s heart.” These words written by Ruth Schwenk spoke deep to my soul.
As I read her devotional, Trusting God In All the Things, I realized I was not trusting God with everything.
My first book releases today! Honestly, I have dreamed about this moment for the last 5 years since God placed the desire in my heart. I pictured all the details. Books arriving on doorsteps; friends and family receiving the book on launch day!
Yet, today it is not going as planned. Unfortunately, there is a shipping delay from Amazon.
God is giving me another opportunity to practice patience as frustration tries to steal my joy.
I honestly let myself feel the strong emotions that this disappointment brings. I journal and share my complaints with God. I also call a friend to process it. (A quick side note: Yes, I am an external processor and talking about it helps me work through it. Maybe you can relate.)
Friend, these disappointments are very real. Maybe it is a small irritation like I am experiencing or perhaps it is a huge devastation like I share in my Depth book.
Knowing I cannot walk through this in my own strength, I began my morning with truth from God’s Word and my journal.
I am once again in awe of God as I read Ruth’s devotional and that profound quote. I grabbed my pen and thanked God for always providing what I need.
I needed to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and His heart. He truly does care about the details of our life and loves us deeply even when detours arise and change our plans.
I ended my journal entry with this prayer, “God, help me trust Your heart when I don’t understand Your plan.”

So this is where I am today: Asking for God to help me trust Him with my book and its release into the world. Surrendering to Him all the shipping details and praying for His peace in the middle of the disappointment.
Praying you can also trust God’s heart even when you don’t understand too.
Love, Jodi
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