Gift of Time
Putting in another piece, I smiled as I looked at my mom. Puzzles have always been our thing.
Honestly, I usually don’t stop to work a puzzle during my busy week. There are dishes to wash, kids to drive somewhere, laundry to do, and emails to send. But this week, I chose to leave the to do list behind and just give the gift of time.

You see, my mom and dad are aging. It is hard to admit it, but it is true. Right now, I am in this season where my kids are getting older; this year, I will have an 8th grader and a senior in high school. And at the same time, my parents are getting older too. Maybe you can relate.
Spending intentional time with my kids has always been a priority for me. Recently, I decided that I wanted to be just as intentional with my time with my parents, especially with my mom.
Remember LOVE is spelled TIME!
As you intentionally give your time to another person, you are showing them how important they are to you. As you make them a priority, they feel loved.
A Quick Side Note: Giving the gift of time does not mean over-scheduling. As someone who use to struggle with scheduling every minute of the day, I am now a huge believer in having margin in my life. In fact, I believe that having margin allows you to give the gift of time especially when a need arises.
Who do you need to give your gift of time?
Does your son need some extra one on one time together? Do you have a sibling, parent, or spouse who needs some extra love right now? Is one of your friends need your listening ear?
I encourage you to sit on the floor with your young child and play Hot Wheels together. Call your friend and catch up over coffee. Go on a walk around the lake with your loved one.
You will never regret living on purpose.
Time is a limited resource. We all have 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week. How we spend our time is up to us? Friends, I encourage you to use your time as a gift to others.
Each week pick one person you can intentionally bless. Remember that small gifts of time are just as special as big chunks. Praying we can show love to others with our gift of time!
Love, Jodi
Life On Purpose Summit
I am so excited to be part of this life of purpose summit! I think it is so important to be intentional! I am sharing a message on purposeful healing called Hope for the Hurting Heart. I would love for you to join me at this conference. Click here for your FREE TICKET

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