Remember the Goal is Progress, Not Perfection.

I did it again.  I skipped the most important part of my day yesterday.

Waking up, I began my day with the intention of spending time with God first thing in the morning.  However, the tasks on my to do list lured me in the opposite direction.  Can anyone else relate?

I have a goal to begin each day in God’s word, but I am easily pulled away like iron to a magnet. 

What should we do when we veer off the path?  Course Correct!

Friend, for me, this means I extend myself grace and make a plan to try again the next day.  For my fellow Enneagram 1 friends like me, it does not mean we should let our self-critic tell us we are a disappointment.  This is a struggle for me.

Remember the goal is progress, not perfection. 

I love God’s grace to us.  This morning I woke up to this beautiful sunrise!  I felt like God had painted the sky just for me to remind me of His amazing grace!

So I tried again this morning, woke up early, and got spiritually fed in God’s Word.  Some days we will do it better than others. 

Remember the goal is growing, not perfect.

Give yourself grace when you fall short.  Don’t ever give up, but make a plan to try again the next day.

I know I needed this message this morning, so I am praying this encourages you too!

Love, Jodi 

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