Depth Podcast Episode 94: Shaping the Soul — Jennie Denney
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How do you connect with God? Is it early in the morning with a cup of coffee and your Bible? Do you love to go to worship nights at church and sing? Are you part of a Bible Study where you meet and regularly pray? Or do you love to be out in nature and feel close to God in His Creation. Maybe it is a mixture of all of these.
I am so excited to have Jennie Denney on the podcast this week as we discuss her book, *Shaping the Soul. Jennie invited other artists and writers to collaborate with her on this book about spiritual practices. I love that she is encouraging us to create space for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and that these spiritual practices can work in conjunction with reading your Bible, praying, going to church, all the things that many of us are already doing. I cannot wait for you to hear the creativity and the way we can use our five senses to connect more with God each day and throughout the day. I promise you are going to learn so much from Jennie!
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Jennie’s book: *Shaping the Soul. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://jodirosser.com/giveaways/shaping-the-soul-giveaway/
In addition, the Depth podcast is celebrating its 2 year birthday in just one month! Just like last year, I would love to get your feedback on the podcast, so I have attached a link to a survey for you. Since I love to give away books, I will be picking one person who completes the survey and sending them a favorite book! Thank you in advance for your input. Click here to complete the survey.
Book Recommendations:
- *The Quotidian Mysteries by Kathleen Norris
- *Soul Keeping by John Ortberg
- *Embracing the Love of God by James Bryan Smith
- *The Deeper Journey by M Robert Mulholland Jr (sequel: Invitation to a Journey)
- *By Way of the Heart by Wilkie Au
Jennie Denney lives in Southern California with her husband and four children, loves to travel, be in nature, and writes for those trying to figure out a way to live that makes sense in a world that doesn’t. She has a certificate of Bible through Torchbearers Bible School, a certificate in Spiritual Formation through the Apprentice Experience at Friends University, and a Masters degree in Pastoral Studies from Azusa Pacific Seminary.
She wrote and published *Soul Cries: A Journal in 2019, where she shares inspirational poems and photography of when her family lived as nomads in Europe. Her newest journal is *Shaping the Soul: An Artist Collective, where 21 simple spiritual practices are paired with beautiful artwork from 16 artists, space for journaling reflection, and space for doodling. She would love to connect with you on Instagram at @jennie.denney and at her website, http://Jenniedenney.com, where she shares an encouraging weekly blog post with stories, practices, and lessons she is learning as she tries to figure out a way to live that makes sense in a world that doesn’t.
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!