Depth Podcast Episode 78: From Basement to Sanctuary — Holly Christine Hayes
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How do you view church? Do you go to church to check off a box or because it is something you have always done? Or do you go to church because you know the God of the Universe loves you dearly and has saved you?
I am so excited to talk with Holly Christine Hayes this week about her book, *From Basement to Sanctuary. Holly has a powerful testimony and I love that she uses the metaphor of a church building architecture and compares it to her personal story of how she moved up from the basement attending a recovery group to the sanctuary sharing her testimony from the stage. Honestly, my favorite part is how God revealed His grace to her three different times through John 8 as well as what she learned about pew dwellers vs. basement dwellers. This was so eye-opening to me and has really impacted how I view church. I promise you do not want to miss the wisdom she shares!
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Holly’s book: *From Basement to Sanctuary. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link. https://jodirosser.com/giveaways/from-basement-to-sanctuary-book-giveaway/
Book Recommendations:
- *The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
- *The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
Holly Christine Hayes is Founder + CEO of Sanctuary Project, a survivor-run nonprofit social enterprise employing and empowering women who’ve survived lives of trafficking, violence, and addiction in Austin, TX. Holly was rescued out of a life of trauma more than nineteen years ago and knows the path to recovery can be long and rocky. An award-winning author of the book *From Basement to Sanctuary, Holly is passionate about sharing her vulnerable journey of healing and finding hope in Christ. She speaks in jails, churches, recovery communities and conferences all over the globe about transformation from trauma and the Redeemer who can lift any life from the pit. You can connect with Holly at https://www.hollychristinehayes.com/
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!