Depth Podcast Episode 66: Just Breathe — Andrea Bourgeois
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I am so excited to have Andrea Bourgeois on the podcast this week as we talk about her new Bible study, *Just Breathe: a modern day Exodus Journey to Revive Your Soul. What I love is that she parallels our walk with Jesus with the Israelites journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land. We talk about what is it like to be in the wilderness season as Andrea shares her pain to purpose story. We also discuss what it is like to cross over into the promised land, and I love the practical ideas we share for gathering those remembrance stones.
Lastly, I find it fascinating that God provided for the Israelites daily with the manna as well as the cloud by day and pillar by night. Maybe like me, you set a goal to spend time with God daily this year. Did you ever wonder why daily is so important? In the Bible, it says, our daily bread, not weekly or monthly. Excited to dive deeper into the importance of daily meeting with God on this episode too. I promise you will not want to miss the truths Andrea shares.
Book Recommendations:
- How to Worship a King by Zach Neese
- Waiting on God by Charles Stanley
- God’s Pursuit of Man by A.W. Tozer
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Andrea’s book: *Just Breathe. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://jodirosser.com/giveaways/just-breathe-book-giveaway/
Lastly, if you have a goal for writing, I am excited to announce that Hope writers is opening their doors again this January. If you ever had a dream of writing a book or just writing in general, then you will not want to miss this opportunity to join this writing community! I will be posting about it all week on Instagram, but I am super excited about this book giveaway.
Join Hope Writers Want to share your meaningful words without sacrificing your meaningful life? My friends at @hopewriters will help you figure out what your next step is and find the courage to take it Hope Writers Link
Link to Hope Writers: 10 questions My friends at Hope Writers created this free guide just for you. 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Write a Book:
Link to Hope Writers Quiz: Do you dream of publishing your writing but you’re not sure what to do next (or where to start)? Check out this free quiz to help you identify where you are on the writing path.
Andrea P. Bourgeois, Author / Speaker / Bible Teacher / Co-Founder of Pain into Purpose Summit
Andrea is passionate about giving people tools to discover God’s faithfulness by studying God’s word, turning pain into purpose, and inspiring others to share their story with the world. She is a high school teacher by day and a writer by night. Her and her husband Brian reside in Southwest Louisiana with their four-year-old son.
You can connect with Andrea on her website: https://andreapbourgeois.com/ as well as on Instagram @andreapbourgeois/
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!