Depth Podcast Episode 6: In Heavenly Arms — Dr. Shari Bridgman
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Have you lost a baby through miscarriage or stillbirth? Do you know a friend who has walked this path?
Oct. 15th is National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day. In honor of this special day, I have a two part episode on my podcast.
Loss of Pregnancy (Part 2): Today, I interview Dr. Shari Bridgman who wrote the curriculum for the Empty Arms Support group. It is based on her book, In Heavenly Arms: Grieving the Loss, Healing the Wounds of Miscarriage. In addition to talking about her book, Dr. Shari will share her own personal journey which includes multiple losses. You don’t want to miss her powerful story.
Shari references communicating your needs in a letter about what to say and not to say. (See Chapter 8 in her book- pages 91-93.)
If you want to start your own Empty Arms, Shari would like to help you. (See Chapter 17 in her book) You can also write her for more information:
Shari L. Bridgman, Ph.D., c/o BlackHawk Canyon Publishers, 22772 Centre Drive, Suite 205, Lake Forest, CA 92630
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