Depth Podcast Episode 31: Special Mom Story — Allyn Ann Simpson
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Excited to share a Special Mom Story each week for the month of May on the Depth Podcast.
This week, Allyn Ann shares her infertility story. Through 10 years of ups and downs, 5 IUI cycles, 4 endometriosis surgeries, and 6 IVF procedures, Allyn Ann honestly shares her emotional journey to having 2 miraculous IVF babies. You don’t want to miss her powerful story.
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, Allyn Ann and I also talk about how we can come along side and help someone walking this hard road of infertility. I love her practical ideas as well as what to say and not to say.
Lastly, if you are walking this hard path of infertility, let me first say, I am so sorry. I believe Allyn Ann’s story will encourage you and remind you that you are not alone. She also offers great advice about finding a support group and giving yourself lots of grace. I hope her words offer you hope and encouragement.
To listen to this episode, click on the link in my profile.
To connect with Ally Ann and hear more about her foundation, Defiantly Hopeful, go to her website: www.defiantlyhopeful.org
Allyn Ann and her husband, Jeremy, are passionate about building families through IVF. It was out of their personal experience that they started their foundation to help make IVF available to couples who may otherwise not be able to build their family through this amazing technology. They plan to give out 2-4 IVF grants a year. You can also follow along on Facebook and Instagram @Defiantlyhopeful to see the latest grant information and locations coming in the future.