Depth Podcast Episode 2: How We Love Our Kids — Milan and Kay Yerkovich
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I talk with Milan and Kay Yerkovich about their book, *How We Love Our Kids. Honestly, this book changed my life. I would not be the mom or woman I am today without this book. You see, this book opened my eyes to something that I had never known about myself. This book started me on a path of self-awareness.
I cannot wait for you to hear Milan and Kay share their 5 love styles of parenting as well as growth steps for each one of them. As a vacillator, I share some of my own personal growth steps that I have been working on over the years. In addition, we talk about the comfort cycle and rupture/ repair in a relationship. Honestly, these are some of my favorite parts.
I promise you that you do not want to miss their insight and wisdom.
Milan and Kay Yerkovich are the parents of four grown children. Milan is a pastoral counselor and co-host of the radio show, New Life Live! with Stephen Arterburn. Milan has a master’s degree in biblical studies and is the founder of Relationships 180, a ministry that helps leaders build healthy relationships. Kay has a master’s degree in counseling and has specialized in successful bonding between couples, parents, and children for more than twenty years. They provide resources in these areas, at https://howwelove.com. When they aren’t traveling to speak, the Yerkovichs enjoy their grandchildren.
Soul Words List- Free Download https://s3.amazonaws.com/hwl-prod-assets/uploads/2012/05/16030007/SoulWordList.pdf
Comfort Circle Guide for the Listener- Free Download https://s3.amazonaws.com/hwl-prod-assets/uploads/2016/11/24052821/ComfortCircleForTheListener.pdf
My Book Ministry- Excited to Give Away A Free Copy of their Book!
If you want an opportunity to win a copy of Milan and Kay’s book, *How We Love Our Kids, go to my website: https://jodirosser.com/ for details.
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[…] We Love Our Kids by Milan and Kay Yerkovich (Check out Depth Podcast Episode 2 to hear more about the […]