Depth Podcast Episode 175: Special Mom Story — Erin Greneaux
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Did you know that Mother’s Day is a really hard day for many women? For some, they lost their mom, and Mother’s Day is super difficult. For others, they have lost a child and there is a deep hole in their heart each Mother’s day. And for others, they desire to be a mom and that dream has not happened yet. Each month as the pregnancy test is negative, they have to wait for that dream to happen.
And so on the podcast for the month of May, I like to highlight special mom stories. I want to remind women that they are not alone in these hard seasons that they are walking through. For some, it is stories of infertility and miscarriage. Other stories are adoption or a child with special needs or a rare disease. My hope for this series is to encourage other women and help give us tools on how we can come alongside and support these women that are walking these hard roads.
So today, I am so excited to have Erin Greneaux on the podcast. She is going to share her story of infertility and miscarriage from her book, *Inconceivable Redemption. I pray her words will help encourage another hurting heart.
In 2020, Saddleback Church hosted a gathering for grieving women a couple nights before Mother’s Day called the Bella Donne, which means beautiful women in Italian. I have attached the link so you can listen. I pray this encourages you especially if your heart is hurting this Mother’s Day. https://saddleback.com/watch/webcast/belle-donne/belle-donne-2020
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Erin’s book: *Inconceivable Redemption. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://kingsumo.com/g/urecyy/infertility-and-miscarriage-book-giveaway
Other Special Mom Stories that could be helpful:
- Kaley Olson shared her two-year struggle with infertility as well as her miscarriage last year. To listen to her special mom story, click the link to Episode 130.
- Holley Gerth shared her infertility story of 10 years as well as how she met her daughter. To listen to her special mom story, click the link to Episode 81.
- Allyn Ann shared her infertility story and her emotional journey to having 2 miraculous IVF babies. To listen to her powerful story, click the link to Episode 31.
Link to Erin’s blog post: What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting
Link to Jodi’s blog post: Encouragement for your Hurting Heart on Mother’s Day
Book Recommendations:
- *A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis
- *The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
- *Loved Baby by Sarah Philpott
Erin Greneaux is an award-winning author and mom to three girls who make every day an adventure. She loves working in the garden and finds her best inspiration while digging in the dirt. Erin is passionate about exploring the practical application of faith in everyday life. She uses writing to take Biblical ideas and present them in a way that is clear, creative, and captivating.
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!