Depth Podcast Episode 129: Trusting God in ALL the Things — Ruth Schwenk
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Are you overwhelmed? Is there something going on in your life that just seems too big right now? I can totally relate.
So, I am so excited to introduce you to the devotional: *Trusting God in All the Things: 90 Devotions for Finding Peace In Your Every Day. This is written by both Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk, and I am so excited to talk with Ruth on the podcast this week. We are going to dive deeper into what does it look like to trust God, not only in the good times, but also the storms of life.
We are also going to talk about being overwhelmed. Those questions that I ask you at the beginning are actually the first two questions in the first devotional. So we are going to look at the life of Jesus and what he did when he was overwhelmed in the Garden of Gethsemane as well as David and how he felt alone in one of the Psalms and how we can lose perspective in the middle of trials. There is so much hope and encouragement on this episode today and I cannot wait for you to hear the truths from Ruth.
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Ruth’s book: *Trusting God in All the Things. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://kingsumo.com/g/naai8z/trusting-god-in-all-the-things-book-giveaway
Book Recommendations:
- *The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
- *Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson
- *Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett
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Ruth Schwenk is the founder of the popular blog The Better Mom, and along with her pastor/author husband, Patrick, the podcast Rootlike Faith. She is the trusted author of several books, including The Better Mom Devotional and In a Boat in the Middle of a Lake. Ruth is a Michigan football superfan and self-proclaimed foodie. But her greatest joy is her family. She lives with her husband and four children in the beautiful college town of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Learn more at thebettermom.com
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!