Depth Podcast Episode 120: Ideas for Lent — Jodi Rosser
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Do you give something up for Lent each year? I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember fasting for Lent while growing up.
About five years ago, a friend recommended a book to me called *Zip it by Karen Ehman and it was about giving up unkind and hurtful words for Lent. I loved that idea because at the time, I was really struggling with keeping control of my words. After that, I decided I wanted to do something each year for Lent.
I am so excited to share with you some of the ideas over the years. One of my favorite books for Lent is *40 Days of Decrease by Dr. Alicia Brit Chole. I am so excited because she is going to be on the podcast later this year. She is releasing a new book, so she was not able to come on before Lent, but she has generously offered to send two signed copies of her amazing book, *40 Days of Decrease. I am super excited for two people to win a copy of this book before Lent, because this book was a favorite for me! So on the podcast this week, I want to highlight *40 Days of Decrease and share some of my favorite parts as well as share about two others books that I did for Lent: *Zip it and *Draw the Circle.
Also, I am so excited for two people to each win one copy of Dr. Alicia’s book: *40 Days of Decrease. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://kingsumo.com/g/c9xptr/two-signed-copies-of-40-days-of-decrease-book-giveaway
Lent book Recommendations:
- *40 Days of Decrease by Dr. Alicia Brit Chole
- *Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40 day Challenge by Karen Ehman
- *Draw the Circle: the 40 day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson
Both Karen and Mark have been guests on the podcast before. Check out their
episodes below:
· Depth Podcast Episode 28: Listen, Love, Repeat — Karen Ehman
· Depth Podcast Episode 69: Win the Day — Mark Batterson
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!