Depth Podcast Episode 115: Growing Deeper Roots — Jodi Rosser
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How do you grow deeper in your faith? What does that practically look like? What do you daily or weekly to help you grow your roots deep?
Last week on the podcast, we talked about the importance of growing deeper roots as we discussed the book, *Rooted. If you missed Episode 114 with Banning, I highly recommend going back and listening to it. Now, this week, I had an idea while taking a shower, which I believe was from God. I thought, What does that look like practically? Maybe you need to do an episode that has nuts and bolts on what does it look like for Jodi to grow her roots deeper? Maybe you can invite friends to share too. And just like that, an idea for a real practical episode was birthed.
So friend, that is what I decided to do. I am pushing back the episode that I planned to release today and instead recorded this solo episode about what I personally do daily and weekly to grow my roots deeper. I have to say that it was special to trace back and see how God has deepened my walk with Him. I have lots of great resources to share with you too, so please check out the show notes with all the links.
My hope and prayer is that you will continue to grow deeper in your faith and stronger in your relationships in 2022!
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of the Immerse Book: *Messiah. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://kingsumo.com/g/jyutxx/immerse-messiah-book-giveaway
Check out:
Proverbs 31 Ministries: I recommend their devotionals and their First 5 App
Immerse Books: *Kingdoms, *Poets, *Chronicles, *Beginnings, *Prophets, *Messiah
*Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Depth Podcast Episode 1: Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst
Depth Podcast Episode 106: Praying the Scriptures Over Your Life — Jodi Berndt
Depth Podcast Episode 76: The Chara Project
Depth Podcast Episode 95: She Hears Bible Study
I am so excited to announce that Hope Writers is opening their doors again. If you have a message to share, or a book on your heart, I highly recommend joining the Hope Writers Community. Here are some resources to check out:
Click here to check out 10 questions to ask yourself before you write a book or you can click here to take a quiz to see where you are on the six stage writing path.
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!