Cultivate Wisdom
My hope was to start reading the book of Proverbs on the 1st of the month and read one chapter a day with my kids. As you can see, I am a couple days late and we still have not started yet. Extending grace to myself!
This year, my word is cultivate, and one thing I desire is to cultivate wisdom. Not earthly wisdom, not more facts or head knowledge. No, I want to cultivate spiritual wisdom.
I want us to cultivate wisdom from God.
As I journaled this morning, God brought this verse to my mind: “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7a

From my understanding, the Fear of the Lord is a holy reverence, being in awe of God! It is a respect and amazement that leads to worship and holy wonder.
I want us to live in this astonishment, in awe of the God of the Universe.
I believe this awe comes from spending time with God. Not just checking off time with Him on our to do list, but really connecting with Him. Reading His Word, being still and listening for His voice.
Friend, I want to be the first to admit that this is not how my week has gone; I have been distracted saying I would get to my time with God next. But then “next” never happened.
Until today, I woke up with a goal to start off my day with this intentional time with God. Not start off with emails, social media, or even a morning shower. Instead, I would start off the day with my journal and Bible and oh what a difference it has already made.
I am once again in awe of God as I realize that the Creator of the Universe desires to spend time with me. Friend, the Creator wants to spend time with you too!
God wants to pour His truth, His Strength and His Wisdom into you!
Our part is to humbly come before Him. Surrender our next 24 hours and invite Him to guide us and pour His strength and wisdom into us!
Do you desire to cultivate wisdom from our Heavenly Father today? I pray that God will fill you with His truth and wisdom as you humbly surrender your time to Him.
As for me, I still hope to begin today reading Proverbs 1 with my kids and share with them all about the Fear of the Lord!
Love, Jodi

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