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200. God’s Faithfulness in my Life & Ministry — Jodi & David

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Can you believe today marks the 200th episode of my podcast? I know- it is mind-blowing! I just cannot believe it! 200 times I have done this, and I have to say- it has been such a joy!  I want to go back in time and trace God’s hand and His faithfulness over my ministry the last ten years. I also want to trace God’s fingerprints over the last 200 episodes of this podcast as well as my personal life. I think this is going to be a very special episode.  

As I think back ten years ago, it was January 2014 when my whole world got turned upside down—it was the beginning of my life as a single mom. I don’t think I had any idea what God had planned for those ten years. As I look back, I see God’s faithfulness in my life and ministry! So that is the theme of the podcast today—God’s faithfulness!!

So I have a really special guest today!!  I think you are going to be really excited to hear from him because I have some news to share—I am engaged! Yes, I am getting remarried!!! It is very exciting! Just recently I met this amazing man of God and I have been praying for a man who loves Jesus just as much as me for a long time. I am really excited that God answered this prayer in His perfect timing!  I have been praying for a while, but He knew when the right time was to bring David into my life. So, I am very excited for you to hear David and I talk about God’s faithfulness in our relationship!

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  1. Brooke on November 15, 2023 at 5:47 pm

    Thank you for this podcast. Tears of joy for you and David. May God keep you in the palm of his hands. -Brooke

    • Jodi Rosser on November 15, 2023 at 9:39 pm

      Thank you Brooke! So appreciate your sweet message!

  2. Angie Green on November 17, 2023 at 10:28 am

    Oh, Jodi dear, you found a Scottish man of faith! We will have to talk about the significance of that for me. David sounds perfect for you, and you for him! I really enjoyed hearing about his “depth,” and his Scottish sense of humor. I am so happy – beyond happy for you both.
    Prayer is powerful and changes everything! Lots of Love, Angie

    • Jodi Rosser on November 20, 2023 at 5:48 am

      Thank you Angie! Yes, God is good! I am so thankful He answered my prayer!




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